St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519

Pastor's Corner

April 2, 2017

sacraments initiate us into the fullness of the Christian life: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Our elect will receive all three at the Easter Vigil.  Sadly, not all Catholics who are baptized as infants have been fully initiated, as not all receive Confirmation. When received with faith, i.e., with a desire to live in Christ guided by the Holy Spirit, our baptismal life in Jesus is strengthened. He sends us empowered to be His witnesses in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. Confirmation strengthens our relationship with Jesus, who asked the Father to give the Holy Spirit to the Church for building up the community in loving service.

The Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts to conform us more to Jesus, and these gifts accompany us in our spiritual development. Wisdom enables us to see the world from God’s viewpoint, and saving us from the illusion that so-called “common sense” is our only guide. With the Spirit’s gift of knowledge we are drawn to meditative prayer, where God leads us to reflect on His presence in our life. The gift of understanding stimulates us to know ourselves as part of our growth in knowing God. St. Augustine prayed, “That I may know You, may I know myself.”  When the Spirit pours fortitude/courage into our hearts, we trust we will acknowledge Christ and the Gospel when challenged. As counsel/right judgment grows in us, the Spirit teaches us about our moral lives and develops our conscience. The gift of piety/reverence helps us respect the Father who created us, Jesus who saved us, and the Spirit who is sanctifying us. It is expressed at liturgy and popular devotions. Finally, the gift of fear of the Lord/wonder and awe in God’s presence helps us become honest in our relationship with God, placing us in awe before His majesty and of grateful wonder that God loves us and that we can share in his life.

Baptismal and confirmation sponsors should be Confirmed because they are to be witnesses to the Christian life – a life we cannot lead without the Spirit!  See Sr. Joyanne if you are an adult who has not been confirmed, and ask Jesus for a desire for the Spirit.