St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519

Spiritual Resources

Resources for Catholics

Mass Ordinary

Mass Prayers - English     •     Mass Prayers - Spanish


Daily Readings

Religious Life Resources:

For information concerning a religious vocation with the Western Dominican friars, click here.

Information about the Dominican Order:

For information concerning a vocation to the diocesan priesthood, visit:

Religious Life Resources:

Links to Dominican Women's congregations and monasteries:

For help with discernment of a vocation to priesthood, marriage or religious life, please click the link here.

Faith at Home

The Office of Religious Education wants to support you during this difficult time in our world. Each week we will be sharing resources which can help you and/or your family reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings, grow in your relationship with God and strengthen your faith. The resource is organized in 3 areas: Hear, Pray, Talk. We want to help you Hear God, Pray/Experience God, Talk or share with your family or a friend. We hope that these resources brings you closer to Jesus and to others. May the love of God radiate from your home to the world.


An Examination of Conscience

This list can be helpful to discern what is, and is not a sin, when going to confession.

Live Stream Mass


Video Live Stream of Mass is available daily on our Parish facebook page, and uploaded later on our youtube channel.






Fr. Jude ZOOM Series


Watch more of Fr. Jude's Series on YOUTUBE.

And don't forget to click "Subscribe"!