St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519

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Acolitos / Monaguillos

Los Acólitos son niños y niñas que han completado la educación religiosa para recibir la Primera Comunión y otros sacramentos de acuerdo a su edad, quienes reciben entrenamiento y consejo espiritual para asistir al celebrante en las misas dominicales y otras solemnidades. Los Servidores del Altar proporcionan un servicio muy importante durante toda la liturgia. Entre sus deberes están llevar el crucifijo y las velas en la procesión de entrada y salida, ayudar en la preparación de las ofrenda, presentar los libros de oración al celebrante, etc. Se requiere tener consentimiento de los padres así como información de contacto de los padres. Los padres deben asistir a la primera reunión antes que los niños se unan al ministerio.

Coordinadores:  P. Thomas Saucier, OP           323-254-2519 (Oficina parroquial)

Los Acólitos/Monaguillos y Hospitalidad deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia de Santo Domingo y requieren una preparación litúrgica antes de empezar a servir. Asimismo, todos los ministros adultos deben tomarse huellas digitales y recibir el entrenamiento “Virtus” en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis. Para información contactar a los coordinadores de ministerios o la oficina parroquial.

Asociación de la Virgen de Guadalupe

El objetivo de los GUADALUPANOS es promover entre sus miembros un profundo conocimiento y amor por Jesucristo y la perseverancia de ser fieles discípulos quienes siguen el ejemplo de su discípulo más devoto, su Santísima Madre, bajo el título de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Este discipulado se demuestra mediante la profundización del don de la fe y profesando y practicando esta fe, tal como enseña la Iglesia Católica Romana, especialmente como se expresa en la Liturgia. El grupo realiza rifas y recolecta ropa y otros bienes para donar a personas necesitadas como Misión Dolores. Los Guadalupanos crecen en la fe a través de sus reuniones mensuales que incluyen la oración del Rosario, las Letanías de la Virgen, y haciendo oración por las necesidades de los miembros y de la comunidad.

Coordinador:  Bertha Murillo (747-272-2602)

Blessed Sacrament Confraternity

This ancient confraternity, founded in 1539 by the Dominicans, has the mission of deepening its members' love and reverence to the Holy Eucharist, fostering spiritual growth through Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, especially on Fridays at the parish, and supporting the maintenance and upkeep of the sanctuary through voluntary service and financial support. The members meet monthly at Mass and have a meeting afterwards, and gather each week to help clean the church. They also participate in a Lenten retreat. Membership is open to all men and women in the parish.

Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

For more than a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society.

The scouts of Troop 199 meet on Mondays from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Community Center.  Danny Martinez is the Scout Master, and Lora Johnstone is the Committee Chair and can be reached at (747) 255-7010.  The Cub Scout Master, Juan Segura, meets with the Cub Scouts on Friday from 7-8 p.m. at St. Dominic's Elementary School.  Mr. Segura can be contacted at (323) 254-7020.

Children's Faith Formation

Registration is currently open for the 2024-2025 academic year at the Parish Office.

Click the heading above for more information.

Couples for Christ

Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic organization intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.  It started with just 16 married couples in 1981 as part of a Prayer Group called “Ligaya ng Panginoon” (LNP or “Joy of the Lord”) in the Philippines.  CFC separated from LNP in 1993 and grew to a worldwide movement. CFC is highly evangelistic and driven by its global vision of “Families in the Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth” and sustained by its core values of “Pro-God, Pro-Family, Pro-Life and Pro-Poor.”  Today, CFC is in more than 100 countries.  

Dominican Film Club

This ministry will host monthly film screenings to spark conversations about art, faith, morality, and the spiritual life.  The movies are shown in the adult education building at 6:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of the month.

Click on the "Dominican Film Club" above to see the schedule of movies.

For more information, contact at

Dominican Laity

From the beginning of the Order, men and women felt moved to help Dominic’s mission of preaching and join in as they could while still living with their families or continuing in their way of life. Already by the end of the thirteenth century, these friends of the Order and groups of lay people who resonated with Dominican spirituality were invited to become officially aggregated to the Order by adopting a Rule of Life approved by the Master of the Order and suited to their circumstances. Today’s Lay Dominican Fraternities around the world are direct descendents of these early groups. By adopting the Rule, lay Dominicans committed not only to living holy lives and doing works of charity, but also to being a part of the preaching mission of the Order.  

The Dominican laity have as their vocation to radiate the presence of Christ in the midst of the people so that the divine message of salvation be known and accepted everywhere by the whole of humankind (from the Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic).

The Dominican laity chapter at St. Dominic's is composed of married and single men and women from a variety of parishes in the area.  They meet for prayer, study and community every second Saturday of the month following the 8:00 AM Mass.  

For more information, please contact Will Duquette at 818-404-1985.  
You can also find more information about the laity in the Western Province at our website.

Estudio Biblico en español

Este grupo de estudio bíblico se enfoca en el crecimiento espiritual a través de un conocimiento más profundo de nuestra fe católica y de nuestra propia parroquia. Además de leer la Biblia, estudiamos el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y otras enseñanzas católicas. El grupo se reúne los martes de 7:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m., A partir del 10 de enero de 2017.

Facilitador: Ana Macomber  y/o Rafael Caraveo

Estudio Biblico en español

Este grupo de estudio bíblico se enfoca en el crecimiento espiritual a través de un conocimiento más profundo de nuestra fe católica y de nuestra propia parroquia. Además de leer la Biblia, estudiamos el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y otras enseñanzas católicas. El grupo se reúne los martes de 7:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m., A partir del 10 de enero de 2017.

Facilitador: Ana Macomber  y/o Rafael Caraveo

Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy (EADM)

The Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy, under the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, is a Roman Catholic, non-profit lay outreach ministry of the St. Stanislaus Kostka Province of the  Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception B.V.M., headquartered in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA.  We are a small faith group called a "cenacle" that meets regularly here at our parish to pray and study together and support one another in our faith journey.  Membership is open to all our parishioners, their families and friends, over 18, who will make a commitment to participate in the Cenacle Formation prayer meetings and agree to participate and assist in our parish church's outreach activities.  The cenacle meets each Thursday 9:30 a.m. in the Adult Ed. building.  For more information Contact Sally Mangahis at (323) 254-8130

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

The administration of Holy Communion during the Mass is truly a ministry. It is the ministry of bringing the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ to the People of God. It is also the ministry of witnessing to faith in the real presence of Christ in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice.  

Baptized and Confirmed Catholics, fifteen years of age or older, are eligible for this ministry. They should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal and individual lives. They should faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace strive to live their faith in every aspect of their lives.

Training is offered quarterly, usually on a Monday evening from 7:30 - 9 p.m., in the church.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at St. Dominic's are expected to participate in an annual morning of recollection in which they can reflect on their ministry, deepen their understanding of the eucharist and discuss improvements to the ministry.  

Please e-mail Fr. Michael Fones, OP, if you are interested in this ministry.

Family and Friends of Persons with Disabilities (FFPD)

To accept, include, and support all persons with disabilities and their families by working towards their full inclusion and participation in all aspects of spiritual formation and development; including but not limited to the preparation of the Mass, Sacraments, and all other parish community activities. 

MEETINGS: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month. 7pm - 9pm at the Community Center


Emma Guanlao (323) 472-0877

Annette Manning (323) 219-3613

Girl Scouts

The St. Dominic's Girl Scout ministry has been in existence many years.  Troop #11175 is a very active multi-level troop that includes Daisy (K-1st grade), Brownie (2nd-3rd grade), Junior (4th-5th grade), Cadets (6th-8th grade), Senior (9th-10th grade) and Ambassadors (11th-12th grade).  Our troop is a member of the Girls Scouts of Greater Los Angeles Council and is led by several parent-trained volunteers.  The Girl Scout Experience is a great opportunity for girls to develop their leadership skills and better discover who they are and who they want to be.  Through badge work, community service, church events and journey book work, our girl scout program engages girls in connecting with others.  It teaches them responsibility and it allows them to take action to make the world a better place.  It is also an inspiring personal journey and a great way to learn practical life skills.  Best of all, girl scouts have lots of fun learning, and develop life-long friendships along the way.  For more information, please contact Troop #1175 via e-mail at

Grupo de Oración

El Grupo de Oración de Santo Domingo se reune todos los Viernes de 7 a 9 p.m. en el Adult Ed Building. Empezamos rezando el Santo Rosario y cantamos alabanzas. Juntos oramos por los enfermos y por todas nuestras necesidades. También leemos la Palabra de Dios y estudiamos temas sobre nuestra fe como iglesia católica que somos. Todos son bienvenidos.

Coordinadora:  Martina Barrientos  323-821-7940 

HOPE Dinner

VIRTUS-trained volunteers and Safeguard the Children-trained teen-agers prepare a meal on Friday from 3:30 - 5 p.m. in the parish hall kitchen.  The meal is then served to the poor and homeless in the parish hall from 5 - 6 p.m., and the facility is cleaned between 6 - 6:30 p.m.  If you are interested in volunteering, we would love your assistance!  Please call the parish office or drop by and leave your name, phone number, e-mail and the date of your VIRTUS training or Safeguard the Children training.  One of the organizers of the HOPE dinner program will respond as soon as possible.

Health Ministry

The Health Ministry at St. Dominic Catholic Church is a ministry focused on whole person health—mind, body, spirit—within the context of our Catholic faith tradition and meets monthly on the first Wednesday of the month, 7:30-8:30pm via Zoom.

The aim is to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to our parishioners and school children and their families, and the community in order to facilitate health, promote wellness, and hopefully achieve healing.  The ministry is comprised of volunteer nurses, specially trained parish nurses, therapists, physicians, and non-healthcare members who are passionate about health and wellness.

If you wish to join the Health Ministry, please leave a message at the rectory for the Director, Mary Lynne Knighten, DNP, RN.  If you have a health problem and need to see the Parish Nurse, she is on site every second and fourth Thursday 8 a.m. to 12 noon in the St. Mark Room. If you have a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

Hispanos en Acción

Hispanos en Acción (HEA) es una asociación de feligreses hispanos de Santo Domingo formada por una junta directiva y miembros que representan a cada uno de los ministerios.

Esta asociación se reúne una vez al mes para planear actividades que fomenten un sentido de comunidad. HEA patrocina, entre otras actividades, el desayuno mexicano mensual y dos cenas-bailes anuales –Día de las Madres y Baile de las Américas. Los ingresos de estas funciones se entregan a la parroquia para ser utilizados para las necesidades de la parroquia a discreción del Pastor. HEA también coordina el puesto de comida Hispana durante la Fiesta Parroquial y ayuda con la participación de la Comunidad Hispana en el Barbecue Parroquial. Entre los objetivos de esta asociación están facilitar la comunicación entre la rectoría y los ministerios, la promoción del crecimiento espiritual y el mantenimiento de las tradiciones de fe de América Latina.  De la misma manera se consideran y planean retiros y otros eventos para  crecimiento espiritual.

Presidente: Rudy Vadillo         323-255-4082 casa
Secretaria: Nora Herrera       
Tesorera: Ramona Ponce      323-803-9192 cel.

Hospitalidad / Ujieres

Los ministros de hospitalidad son ministros laicos que practican y viven de acuerdo a los requerimientos de la doctrina católica y quienes están a cargo de dar una cordial bienvenida a todos los feligreses en el vestíbulo cuando llegan a la iglesia, les asisten a localizar asientos cuando sea necesario, dirigen la  presentación de las ofrendas para que le sean llevadas al sacerdote a tiempo, circulan las canastas de la colecta y ofrecen el boletín parroquial a los fieles cuando se encaminan a la puerta de salida. Se reúnen mensualmente.

Coordinador:   Jorge Favela   323-254-9851 cel. 

Los ministros de Hospitalidad deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia de Santo Domingo y requieren una preparación litúrgica antes de empezar a servir. Asimismo, todos los ministros adultos deben tomarse huellas digitales y recibir el entrenamiento “Virtus” en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis. Para información contactar a los coordinadores de ministerios o la oficina parroquial.

L.O.V.E. Ministry

The L.O.V.E. Ministry (Lay Ministry of Visitation to the Sick and Elderly) is a compassionate and loving group of trained volunteers from St. Dominic's Church.  All L.O.V.E. ministers receive training as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and then receive additional training from Concie Kibbe, coordinator of the L.O.V.E. Ministry.  L.O.V.E. ministers take Holy Communion to parishioners who are elderly, sick, homebound, or hospitalized and pray with them for spiritual and physical healing.

For this type of visit, the sick person or a family member of the sick individual may call the parish office (323) 254-2519 and request a visit.  A member of the L.O.V.E. ministry will contact the individual or family member to coordinate a visit. 

If the sacrament of Reconciliation is needed, please request a visit from a parish priest before coordinating a visit from the L.O.V.E. ministry.


St. Dominic LGBTQIA+ Outreach provides a dynamic, nurturing, confidential environment for the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as their families to be heard and to celebrate their love and acceptance in the Catholic Church.

St. Dominic LGBTQIA+ Outreach meets weekly. Supporters of this outreach are also invited and encouraged to attend. We discuss issues relating to our faith and the important issues facing our community today in a safe environment. To facilitate these goals films, guest speakers, review of scientific articles and updates on present day Catholic scholars are provided. Our social events include field trips, dinners, pot lucks and auctions with proceeds going to charitable LGBTQIA+ organizations. Several Catholic priests from our local parishes also attend our meetings to gift our members with their support, knowledge and expertise. Our meetings are free of cost and there is no on-going commitment to attend.

If you know someone who might benefit from this outreach please contact Albert Lanskie at 562-895-5213 or Elizabeth S.Taylor, Ph.D. at 626-792-1103

Lectores en español

La proclamación de la Palabra de Dios es un verdadero ministerio en la Iglesia; los lectores llevan la Palabra Viva de Dios a la asamblea litúrgica. En ellos y a través de ellos, Dios habla a los fieles reunidos. Los lectores son ministros laicos que practican y viven de acuerdo con los requerimientos de la doctrina católica. Estos ministros se someten a discernimiento espiritual y entrenamiento para proclamar la Palabra en la Misa Dominical en Español. La Proclamación de la Palabra incluye la lectura de la Primera y Segunda Lectura, Salmo Responsorial (cuando no se canta), y Oraciones de los Fieles. Se reúnen cuando es necesario y participan en una reunión anual de Lectores de toda la parroquia.

Si tiene interés, puede contactar a Maria Huerta-Garcia (323-578-8474)

Católicos adultos (18 años o más), que han sido Bautizados y Confirmados son elegibles para este ministerio. Los ministros Lectores deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia de Santo Domingo y requieren una preparación litúrgica antes de empezar a servir. Asimismo, todos los ministros adultos deben tomarse huellas digitales y recibir el entrenamiento “Virtus” en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis. Para información contactar a los coordinadores de ministerios o la oficina parroquial.


The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a ministry in the Church; lectors bring the Living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them, God speaks to his people. Lectors are lay ministers who practice and live according to the requirements of Catholic doctrine. These ministers undergo spiritual discernment and training to proclaim the Word at weekday and Sunday Masses. The Proclamation of the Word includes reading the First and Second Readings, Responsorial Psalm (when not sung), and Prayers of the Faithful. Lectors are encouraged to look for opportunities of spiritual enrichment and to participate in an annual parish-wide day of recollection. If you are interested or would like more information, please leave a message at the parish office.

Baptized and Confirmed Catholic adults (18 years or older) are eligible for this ministry. Lectors must be registered members of St. Dominic and require liturgical preparation before beginning to serve. Additionally, all adult ministers must be fingerprinted and undergo Virtus training in compliance with Archdiocesan requirements.

Light of Jesus

Light of Jesus Family is a charismatic group and we hold a weekly prayer gathering which we call The Feast.  At The Feast we pray together, we worship through songs and we watch and listen to series of talks that help us grow in our spiritual life as well as offering advice in the physical, emotional and financial areas of our lives.  At the end of each talk we form into small groups called Caring Groups, where we are able to share our lives and find support from each other.

The Light of Jesus Family is one big family. What makes us big is God’s big love for us, our big love for God and for one another.  God’s love for us and our love for Him and for one another is actually the Light which we now share to as many persons as we can reach.  Our commitment is to be disciple-makers and to welcome everybody who comes to the Feast.

We meet every Friday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Religious Ed Bldg.

For more information, please contact Aileen Rada (323) 679-5031 or and Lita Ele (323) 841-6534.

Lunch Program

VIRTUS-trained associates of the St. Vincent de Paul Society make brown bag lunches in the parish hall kitchen Monday-Friday. These lunches are handed out the back door of the hall Monday through Friday between 11:00 and 1:30 p.m.   For more information, please contact the parish office and leave your name, phone number, e-mail and the date of your Virtus.  A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will respond as soon as possible.

Middle School Ministry

A dynamic ministry designed for all 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth. Together with youth leaders, the core team and middle schoolers will meet once a month. Our mission is to gather in a safe environment in order for students to share their Faith, to be themselves, to ask questions, to be in a loving community, and to seek Jesus.

Middle School Ministry (MSM) will achieve the mission in fun and relatable ways. Through creative and fun settings along with small group settings to discuss topics on a personal level.

Our MSM will meet the third Thursday of each month beginning in October 2021 and ending in May 2022. We will meet in person from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Adult Ed Building/Courtyard. Registration fee: $25 registration remains open for the year.

For questions, please contact:

Christina Garcia (

Michelle Perez (

Register Online

Ministerio de Musica - Coro en español

Los ministros del coro son ministros que poseen dotes musicales y quienes realzan la celebración litúrgica guiando a los feligreses con el canto de aclamaciones, cantos procesionales, salmo responsorial y otros cantos. El significado de la canción congregacional se beneficia altamente por nuestro Ministerio del Coro. Practican los domingos 15 minutos antes de la misa en Español.

Director de Música: Rudy Acosta      323-258-9854
Coordinador del Coro en Español: Ana Fernández   323-257-2224

Ministerio de Musica - Coro en español

Los ministros del coro son ministros que poseen dotes musicales y quienes realzan la celebración litúrgica guiando a los feligreses con el canto de aclamaciones, cantos procesionales, salmo responsorial y otros cantos. El significado de la canción congregacional se beneficia altamente por nuestro Ministerio del Coro. Practican los domingos 15 minutos antes de la misa en Español.

Director de Música: Rudy Acosta      323-258-9854
Coordinador del Coro en Español: Carmen Gallegos (323-807-0582;

Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión

Los Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía son ministros laicos que practican y viven de acuerdo a los requerimientos de la doctrina católica.  Estos ministros se someten a discernimiento espiritual y entrenamiento para ayudar al sacerdote con la distribución de la Santa Comunión principalmente en la Misa dominical en español. Algunos de estos ministros también pueden servir en el “Love Ministry” y ser comisionados para llevar la Eucaristía a las personas que no pueden salir de sus casas; hacer visitas semanales a hogares, instituciones y hospitales y consolar durante momentos de pérdidas y sufrimiento.   Se reúnen mensualmente.

Coordinador:   Ofelia Núñez   323- 595-1118 cel.

Los ministros de Eucaristía deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia de Santo Domingo y requieren una preparación litúrgica antes de empezar a servir. Asimismo, todos los ministros adultos deben tomarse huellas digitales y recibir el entrenamiento “Virtus” en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis. Para información contactar a los coordinadores de ministerios o la oficina parroquial.

Ministry of Music

The Music Ministry is one of Saint Dominic's oldest and most popular ministries. Under the leadership of Rudy Acosta, the 9 o'clock Mass Choir meets for rehearsal on Tuesday night at 7pm, and the 11 o'clock Mass Choir meets on Thursday night at 7pm. The Spanish Choir performs during the 1pm Sunday Liturgy with a short rehearsal before the Mass.  Additional instrumentalists and guest artists perform during special Masses. To sign up, please contact Rudy Acosta at

Misión Dolores

Grupo Voluntario de Feligreses que fomenta la participación de la comunidad hispana en el servicio de caridad haciendo obras de misericordia por medio de proveer alimento, ropa y otros bienes a inmigrantes en la Misión Dolores.

Somos un grupo de voluntarios que fomenta la participación de la comunidad hispana en el servicio de caridad haciendo obras de misericordia por medio de proveer alimento, ropa y otros bienes a inmigrantes en la Misión Dolores.  Nos reunimos el tercer lunes de cada mes en la cocina de la iglesia de Santo Domingo.  Empezamos a cocinar a la 1 o 2 p.m.  Cuando los alimentos están preparados, los llevamos a Dolores Mission al 170 Gless St. Los Angeles, CA 90033.  Ahí servimos la cena a nuestros hermanos menos afortunados.  

Contacto:  Martina Barrientos 323-821-7940  

Misión Dolores

Grupo Voluntario de Feligreses que fomenta la participación de la comunidad hispana en el servicio de caridad haciendo obras de misericordia por medio de proveer alimento, ropa y otros bienes a inmigrantes en la Misión Dolores.

Somos un grupo de voluntarios que fomenta la participación de la comunidad hispana en el servicio de caridad haciendo obras de misericordia por medio de proveer alimento, ropa y otros bienes a inmigrantes en la Misión Dolores.  Nos reunimos el tercer lunes de cada mes en la cocina de la iglesia de Santo Domingo.  Empezamos a cocinar a la 1 o 2 p.m.  Cuando los alimentos están preparados, los llevamos a Dolores Mission al 170 Gless St. Los Angeles, CA 90033.  Ahí servimos la cena a nuestros hermanos menos afortunados.  

Contacto:  Martina Barrientos 323-821-7940  

Occidental College Campus Ministry

The Catholic Newman Community was established on Occidental College in 1921.  Rooted in the spiritual tradition of the Roman Catholic faith and called to be disciples of Jesus Christ, we are here to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people.  As a dynamic faith community for students and faculty alike, we encourage one another through prayer, worship, community activities and living the reality of the Christian life in an environment where students can ask questions, seek truth and encounter Jesus Christ face-to-face. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we accept our mission to reach out to all God’s people, especially to those in need, so that the Kingdom of God may be realized in our campus, community, nation and world.

Contact Maggie Bolton, Campus Minister, at or call the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Oxy at (323) 259-2621.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

What is RCIA?

In the Gospel stories of Jesus and how people started to follow him, we see that He calls followers in different ways, such as walking along the shore and stopping to speak to two fishermen, or when He met the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and began walking with them, or when Jesus encountered a short man who climbed a tree and Jesus invited him to dinner and so, Jesus invites us to walk with Him in different ways of invitation.

If you or a friend, or a family member are feeling that invitation to follow Jesus through the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation) and are over 18 years of age, please come and join us on Tuesday evenings to begin the Journey to encountering Jesus in a relationship that deepens through living the Sacraments to their fullness.

We have an on-going RCIA and because of the pandemic, we are meeting through Zoom. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sr. Joyanne Sullivan today!

Phone: 323-254-2519     Email:

The fee for classes is $25.00.

Confirmation Registration Form: Adult Confirmation Registration PDF

RCIA Registration Form: RCIA: A Journey in Faith PDF



Being a sacristan is of great help to the parish and its worship.  It is a ministry done behind the scenes, but is absolutely vital.  At the bare minimum, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal describes the liturgical function of the sacristan as one who "carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass." (GIRM, 105)

The Ceremonial of Bishops, (paragraph 37) says that the sacristan, always under the general direction of the clergy, undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday.  The sacristan thus arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches.

The sacristan in harmony with the pastor also makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and decorative objects are kept in good condition and, if necessary, sent for gilding or repair.  Other practical indications apart from these official recommendations are that the sacristan ensures that the things necessary for worship are always available. There should be a ready supply of fresh hosts and of duly authorized wine, sufficient clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, incense and coals.  He or she also makes sure that the sanctuary lamp has sufficient oil, that the altar cloths are changed regularly, and that the holy water stoups are clean and replenished frequently.

Merlie Mae Sotto is the head sacristan at St. Dominic's and can be reached via e-mail.  If you are interested in being trained as a sacristan, please contact the parish office to arrange a meeting with one of the sacristans.

Saul to Paul Men's Ministry

The intention of the Saul to Paul Men’s Group is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for adult men to openly share, without any judgment or fear, their faith journey to discipleship in the Catholic Church.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, Faith can be defined as listening and responding to God the Father’s invitation to a relationship with his Son, Jesus.

Singles for Christ (SFC)

Singles for Christ is one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ (CFC). It was founded to cater to the needs of single men and women from 21 to 40 years of age.  We hope to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to journey and witness with single men and women in their discovery and pursuit of vocations and the fullness of the mission towards building a Christ-centered society. The pastoral care offered by the ministry, though, is not limited to those who are called to marriage, but includes as well those who may be considering either single blessedness or religious vocation as a state of life. We meet regularly twice a month for our prayer meetings and on the last Wednesday of the month at 7:30 for chapter assemblies.  We also hold multiple retreats throughout the year and have an annual national conference. Contact Michael Ian at or Karmela Villamor at, and visit our website.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Los Angeles is part of a world- wide organization of lay Catholic men and women who are committed to live and grow in their Christian faith through prayer and personal involvement in charitable works. The Society’s mission is accomplished through parish and community-based volunteer groups called Conferences and programs called Special Works. The Society’s work includes any actions that promote the dignity of the person, alleviate suffering and distress, while correcting the conditions that cause them. 

The Society meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 7 - 8 p.m. in the St. Mark room.  To learn more about the society click on the link in the title above.  If you'd like to learn more about volunteering, please leave your contact information at the office and a member will get back to you.

Conference membership is made up of:

Active (Full) Members are those who participate regularly in the prayer life, meetings, and charitable activities through personal contact with the poor of the Vincentian Conference or Council into which they have been received. An Active Member accepts The Rule of the Society, belongs to the Catholic Church, and is received as a Vincentian brother or sister into the Society’s Conference or Council with which he or she is affiliated by formal action.  Only Active Members hold office in the organization.

Associate Members are those affiliated with the Society by formal action of the Conference or Council with which the member will be joined.  Associate Members include those who sincerely and publicly accept the Society’s Rule but may or may not belong to the Catholic Church, may or may not attend Conference meetings on a regular basis, nor engage in the works of the Society on a regular basis.  Associate Members are kept informed of the developments and activities of their immediate groupings, as well as the general progress of the Society, particularly in the local area or diocese.  They are invited to attend the general meetings and special observances of the Society and to participate in its charitable activities.

Contributing Members are those who regularly or in a substantial way provide in-kind or financial support but who do not engage directly in the Society’s work. These members also are invited to the Society’s general and festival meetings.


Doorkeepers are mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures, particularly in 1 Chronicles 9:17-27, where it is mentioned that “they would spend the night near the house of God, for it was in their charge and they had the duty of opening it each morning.”  It is also clear that they functioned as guards for the house of God.

In upper class Roman households, one of the slaves was known as an ostuarius, whose job was to guard the entrance of the house.  The Latin word became ussier in Old French, from which comes the English word usher.

The ushers welcome people to the house of God, paying special attention to the disabled, small children, visitors, and those who have not found a seat.  They assist with the collection and are prepared to help with any unexpected emergencies.  The requirements for being an usher are:

  • Be a baptized and Confirmed Catholic: it is fitting that the usher be fully initiated into the Faith;
  • Sincerely try to live the Gospel in life;
  • Faithfully participate in Sunday Mass;
  • Complete VIRTUS training; Fingerprinted for records
  • Be friendly, courteous and desire to make a good initial impression on those who may be coming to Mass for the first time, or returning after an absence.

The ushers meet quarterly on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. 
For more information, contact Rosanne Valencia at the parish office (323) 254-2519.


Los ministros de hospitalidad son ministros laicos que practican y viven de acuerdo a los requerimientos de la doctrina católica y quienes están a cargo de dar una cordial bienvenida a todos los feligreses en el vestíbulo cuando llegan a la iglesia, les asisten a localizar asientos cuando sea necesario, dirigen la  presentación de las ofrendas para que le sean llevadas al sacerdote a tiempo, circulan las canastas de la colecta y ofrecen el boletín parroquial a los fieles cuando se encaminan a la puerta de salida. Se reúnen mensualmente.

Si tiene interés, pueda contactar a Sergio Vasquez (323) 399-9268.

Los ministros de Hospitalidad deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia de Santo Domingo y requieren una preparación litúrgica antes de empezar a servir. Asimismo, todos los ministros adultos deben tomarse huellas digitales y recibir el entrenamiento “Virtus” en cumplimiento a los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis. Para información contactar a los coordinadores de ministerios o la oficina parroquial.

Young Adults

St. Dominic's Young Adult Ministry is for men and women in their 20s and 30s to gather together for prayer, fellowship, and faith formation. Married, single, religious, and priestly are all welcome! The group meets each Wednesday evening starting with adoration from 7-7:30 PM in the church and then then, starting around 7:35 PM, we usually gather in the St. Mark Room (although we meet in the Adult Education Building for first Wednesdays). For more information about the group and how to get involved, check our website.