St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519


September 2 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The other evening at daily Mass I stood up after communion and, from the altar, said, “the Lord be with you.”  

Of course, everyone responded, “and with your Spirit.”

I had to smile, because I was standing in front of the Missal to offer the prayer after communion and had meant to say, “Let us pray.”

My mind had wandered just for a moment and something else slipped out.

I know I’m not the only one who does this.

Sometimes, for example, in the preface to the Eucharistic prayer, I might be praying, “through Christ our Lord you give us all these things,” but no sooner do I say, “through Christ our Lord,” and a quarter of the congregation pipes up, “Amen”.


Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah and chides the Pharisees and scribes saying, “you honor God with your lips, but your hearts are far from him.”

We think of the heart as the seat of emotion, but for the Jew, it was the seat of thought and the will.

When God said through Isaiah the prophet, “their hearts are far from me,” he was saying ‘they are not thinking about me, nor are they doing my will.’

It’s easy for us to become distracted in our prayer – thinking about what to make for dinner, what your spouse meant when he/she said something, problems at work.

We can come to Mass and just go through the motions: speak words without thinking, veg out during the homily – don’t veg out during the homily, please.

For example, does anyone remember anything from the opening prayer? 

Were we tuning out already?

We asked God to put the love of His name into our hearts.

That is, that we might love God for Who He is, not just for what He does.

We asked God to deepen our sense of reverence, so that we can appreciate the miracle that will take place when bread and wine become Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity among us.

We asked God to nurture in us what is good, and to keep it safe.

To love God “with all your heart” is a conscious act of will, not a passing emotion.


Jesus would not have thought of the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees as two-faced as we would say, but two-hearted.

On the one hand they had numerous, detailed, unwritten laws that they regarded as having the same binding force as Mosaic law.

These pertained to everything from fasts to keep, tithes to pay, what constituted work that could not be done on the Sabbath, and many daily purifications.

The whole point was to keep God in the heart– that is, to be thinking about God throughout the day as one did these rituals.

It’s similar to the blessings we Catholics have for people, places, things and events.

But just as the Pharisee could do all sorts of practices meant to call God to mind while having their hearts elsewhere, we can go through life seldom thinking of God.

Even at Mass, we are so accustomed to the prayers we neither hear what the priest says, nor pay attention to our responses anymore.

We may say a rosary thinking about anything but the event in Jesus and Mary’s life.

When we finish our prayer, do we have a sense of relief that we just finished a tedious chore?

Then we’re giving God lip service.

It’s possible to obey the commandments, be a nice person, but not a Christian.

The letter of James sets the bar higher: “Religion that is pure and undefiled is care for the orphans and widows in their affliction” – the weakest, most vulnerable people in the ancient world.

It is also keeping “oneself unstained by the world.”

That is, to be in the world, but not of it, always realizing that the world that is so concrete, that demands so much of our attention, is a passing thing, and that we are created for immortality.


In the sermon on the mount, Jesus tells us “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

We can turn that around by saying, “where your heart is, there is your treasure.”

So when you are distracted in your prayer, where is your mind taking you?

It may be pointing out to you what’s really important.

When your mind wanders at Mass, are you thinking about work? About your kids?

About whether the Dodgers will beat the Diamondbacks this afternoon?

What do we allow to live in our hearts – that is, what do we obsess about?

If it’s something other than God, the giver of every good gift, according to both the letter of James and our opening prayer, then it may be separating us from God.

Sometimes our minds are fixed on money, or poisoned with envy of what others have, or we allow anger and resentment to fester until it boils over in our words and actions.

When I obsess about the administrative aspects of a parish or, at this time of year, college football, or anything that’s not God, I have found one thing helpful.

If my heart is full of something that’s not God, it means God has been crowded out.

And the solution is to wholeheartedly (that is, with full intention), do what is necessary to put God back in.

Usually that means taking time to pray – to focus on what I’m grateful for, to praise God for the wonder of creation, to review what has occupied my mind and to offer that to God’s providential care.

How easy it is to worry, rather than wrapping those concerns in prayer and leaving them in God’s heart!

If prayer is especially hard, keep at it, don’t give up – any effort to lift our heart to God is pleasing to Him.

Doing some spiritual reading can help refocus my mind on Jesus, too, and that sometimes jumpstarts my prayer life.


Jesus says that what defiles us is what comes from within our hearts – within our minds.

He doesn’t let us place the blame on others, or the things we have, and certainly not on God our Father.

He says we are responsible for evil, and that occurs when our heart is far from God.

So this week, let’s do a heart checkup.

What words describe us when we are involved in something with our whole hearts? 

Words like, “exciting, challenging, joyful, and passionate”?

What words describe us when we are not?

Words like, “dull, routine, unexciting, joyless”?

The heart check is this: which set of words best describes our religious lives? 


Fr. Michael Fones, OP


Homilies Archives

Sanadores Heridos 2022-9-4 P. Roberto
Wounded Healers 2022-9-4 Fr. Roberto
Lo Principal 2022-8-28 P. Roberto
The Main Thing 2022-8-28 Fr. Roberto
Ardiendo por El Señor 2022-8-14 P. Roberto
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¿Me Amas? 2022-5-1 P. Roberto
Bautizados en el Eterno Dios-Pascua 2022 P. Roberto
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Desgarrado para Poder Ver 2022-3-27 P. Roberto
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Unstoppable Love 2022-1-30 Fr. Roberto
¿Quién Soy Yo? 2022-1-9 Bautismo del Señor, P. Roberto
Santo pero No Perfecto 2021-12-26 P. Roberto
Un Dios Quebradizo 2021-12-25 P. Roberto
A Breakable God 2021-12-25 Fr. Roberto
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Bringing Jesus’ Hope to Others 2021-11-28 Fr. Roberto
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¿Tú Me Amas? 2021-10-31 P. Roberto
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Tú Eres Mío y Yo Soy Tuyo 2021-10-3 P. Roberto
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La Verdadera Grandeza 2021-9-19 P. Roberto
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Elegir Creer 2021-8-22 P. Roberto
Alimentados para Alimentar 2021-8-8 P. Roberto
Creer Es Ver 2021-8-1 P. Roberto
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Un Pastor que Nunca Nos Fallará 2021-7-18 P. Roberto
Order-Disorder-Reorder 2021-6-20 Fr. Roberto
Orden-Desorden-Reordenar 2021-6-20 P. Roberto
Big God and Small God 2021-6-6 Fr. Roberto
Dios Grande y Dios Pequeño 2021-6-6 P. Roberto Corral, OP
Ven a Buscarme, Espíritu Santo 2021-5-23 P. Roberto
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Amor Eterno 2021-5-9 P. Roberto
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God with Us and God for Us Easter1 Fr. Roberto
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You Have to Die so that You Can Live 2021-3-21 Fr. Roberto
Choosing to See, to Forgive, and to Be Free 2021-3-14 Fr. Roberto
Elegir Ver, Perdonar y Ser Libre 2021-3-14 P. Roberto
How to Find Happiness 2021-3-7 Fr. Roberto
Cómo Encontrar la Felicidad 2021-3-7 P. Roberto
El Sueño de Dios para Ti 2021-2-28 P. Roberto Lent2
God's Dream for You 2021-2-28 Fr. Roberto Lent2
The Devil’s Lies and God’s Truth Lent 1 Fr. Roberto
Las Mentiras del Diablo y la Verdad de Dios Cuaresma1 P. Roberto
What Ash Wednesday and Lent Are About; Fr. Roberto
The Power of Our Words 2021-1-31 Fr. Roberto
El Poder de Nuestras Palabras 2021-1-31 P. Roberto
¿Quién Soy Yo? 2021-1-10 Bautismo del Señor, P. Roberto
The Things We Carry 2021-1-1 Mary Mother of God, Fr. Roberto
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¿En Qué Tipo de Dios Crees? Navidad 2020 P. Roberto
What Kind of God Do You Believe In? Christmas 2020 Fr. Roberto
Wake Up and Light a Candle! 2020-11-29 Fr. Roberto
¡Despiérta y Enciende una Vela! 2020-11-29 P. Roberto
El Rey de Amor 2020-11-22 P. Roberto
No Te Quedes Sin Gasolina, Aceite O Jesús 2020-11-8 P. Roberto
Don’t Run Out of Gas or Oil or Jesus 2020-11-8 Fr. Roberto
Deja que Gane el Amor 2020-10-25 P. Roberto
Let Love Win 2020-10-25 Fr. Roberto
Let Love Win 2020-10-25 Fr. Roberto
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¿Eres Un Católico Verdadero?
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La Libertad del Perdón
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2020-7-5 There Is a God and It's Not You 14th Sun Yr. A Fr. Roberto
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Destapa los Oídos 2020-4-28 Pascua 3 Martes P. Roberto
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Breathing In and Breathing Out 2020-3-1 Lent1 Year A Fr. Roberto
Inhalar y Exhalar Cuaresma1 2020-3-1 P. Roberto
¡Seamos Libres! 2020-2-16 6° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
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¡Agarra la Onda! 2020-1-5 La Epifanía del Señor-P. Roberto
Where Do You Choose to Live? 2020-1-1 New Years Fr. Roberto
¿Dónde Eliges Vivir? 2020-1-1 Año Nuevo P. Roberto Corral, OP
Do You Have Room? 2019-12-24 Christmas Fr. Roberto
El Espejo 2019-12-1 Adviento 1 P. Roberto
The Mirror 2019-12-1 Advent 1 Fr. Roberto
The Grand Finale 2019-11-24 Christ the King Fr. Roberto
El Gran Final 2019-11-24 Cristo Rey P. Roberto
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Aférrate a Jesús Pase lo que Pase 2019-11-17 P. Roberto
Don't Settle for Less 2019-11-10 Fr. Roberto
¡No Te Conformes con Menos! 2019-11-10 P. Roberto
Successful Prayer 2019-10-20 Fr. Roberto
Amor Verdadero 2019-9-29 Padre Roberto
True Love Fr. Roberto 2019-9-29
Your Best or Your Leftovers? 2019-9-22 Fr. Roberto
¿Tu Mejor O Tus Sobras? 2019-9-22 Padre Roberto
Los Altibajos de Nuestro Camino a Jesús 2019-9-15 Fr. Roberto Spanish
The Ups and Downs of Our Journey to Jesus 2019-9-15 Fr. Roberto English
2019-9-8-Fr. Roberto-23rd Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-9-8-23rd Sunday-Yr C-Fr. Roberto English
2019-8-25-Fr. Roberto-21st Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-8-11-Fr. Roberto-19th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-8-4 Fr. Roberto-Feast of St. Dominic-English
2019-7-28-Fr. Roberto-17th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-6-30-13th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-6-30-13th Sunday-Yr C-English
2019-5-12 Easter 4 Yr. C Fr. Roberto "Whose Voice Will You Listen to and Follow?"
February 3, 2019 - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)
3 Febrero 2019 - Cuarto Domingo Año C
December 30, 2018 - Holy Family
30 de diciembre 2018 - Sagrada Familia
December 25, 2018 Mass During the Day
3rd Sunday of Advent December 16, 2018
Tercero Domingo de Adviento, 16 de deciembre 2018
33rd Sunday Ordinary Time B
XXXIII Domingo, November 18, 2018
14 de octubre - Domingo XXVIII - B
October 14, 2018
September 23, 2018 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
23 de septiembre - Domingo XXV de Tiempo Ordinario
September 9, 2018 - 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time
9 de septiembre - XXIII Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
September 2 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 19, 2018 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2018 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2018 - XXI Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
Feast of St. Dominic
Fiesta de Sto. Domingo
July 29, 2018 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
29 de julio - XVII Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
July 15, 2018
15 de julio 2018 - XV Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
