St. Dominic Catholic Church

2002 Merton Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90041 | (323) 254-2519


May 13, 2018 - Ascension

Today I continue a three-week preaching cycle on what it means to be a Christian.

Last week I said Christianfaith says God enters our lives in discernible ways.

The beloved, unbegotten Son of the Father became human in Jesus of Nazareth, only did His Father’s will, and was rejected and crucified by sinful humans.

The Father raised him from the dead and, after instructing his followers to proclaim the Gospel to the world, he returned body and soul to His Father.

Christian faith is a personal relationship with the Blessed Trinity, encompassing our mind, heart, body and soul, and is a response to the preaching of the Gospel.


There are stages, or thresholds of growth in any relationship: trustcuriosity about the other, openness to change because of them, seeking a permanent relationship, and committing to that relationship.

I’ve summarized these in the pastor’s corner in the bulletin this week, so take one home with you.  They come from Sherry Weddell's book, "Forming Intentional Disciples."

The first stage in a relationship is trust, and this is the foundation.

You’d never befriend someone you didn’t initially trust.

You’re here at Mass because you trust someone; if not God, then the Church, or your spouse, or a friend who brought you here.

I grew up trusting God – He gave me parents who loved me and clothed, fed and educated me – even when I was ungrateful for it all.

We went to Mass everySunday, and my folks prayed, showing me theytrusted God.


But trust, while essential, is not all there is in a relationship.

The second threshold we cross on the journey to discipleship is curiosity.

It isn’t intense, just a willingness to listen, maybe ask a few questions.

It’s not just curiosity about ideas, though – it must become curiosity about Jesus, because he’s the one inviting us into a relationship.

In a friendship, you’re open to knowing more about the other – although, honestly, we often are more interested in talking about ourselves.

There were many in the crowds that listened to Jesus preach, but didn’t follow him for long – especially when he began making demands on them.

I learned some things aboutJesus in Catholic grade school and in countless homilies.

But I was passive until two Protestant buddies tried to convert me in college.

The next day I went and talked to a priest and asked some questions of my own.

I learned there was an intellectual heft behind the Catholic faith, and this also increased my trust in God and the Church.

That’s the nature of these spiritual thresholds – we don’t “graduate” and leave one as the journey progresses.

They intensify and deepen as we draw closer to Jesus – or weaken as we turn away.


The third threshold on the road to discipleship is one that many never cross – it’s an openness to spiritual change.

Jesus said how “hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom” – to become his disciple -  because when we’re wealthy, we have an illusion of control over our lives.

Becoming a disciple requires that we hand that control over to Jesus.

If one’s an atheist, openness can be as simple – and as challenging - as becoming open to the possibility that God exists.

Looking back on my life, being open to spiritual change has been a challenge.

Pope Benedict XVI said something in his first homily as pope that speaks to me. 

He said, “If we let Christ enter fully into our lives, if we open ourselves totally to him, are we not afraid that He might take something away from us?”

I was afraid of becoming someone that seemed foreign, someone “not me,” like the evangelical guy in my college dorm who always struck me as phony.

When I did begin to be open to Jesus in grad school, I began to realize how phony I hadbeen, and how I had made decisions about grad school based on my ego.


Seekinga relationship with the Lord and committing to follow him as a Discipleare the last two thresholds, and they’re difficult for me to talk about in my own life.

I was definitely seeking to be closer to him when I was in graduate school and knew I wasn’t where I was supposed to be.

You’d think I was a disciple when I entered the Dominicans, but I’m not so sure.

Like most of you, I grew up in a Catholic household, went to church on Sundays, and my behavior was shaped by “the rules”.

But no one talked about faith as a relationship, so how could I seek something I didn’t know existed?

No one talked about making a conscious decision to follow Jesus making him the Lord of my life.

But seeking is intentionally exploring a relationship with Christ and his Church.

It’s preparing to make a decision to entrust ourselves to Jesus by faith.

Discipleship is not unconscious or automatic – any more than choosing to marry is unconscious or automatic.


I’m afraid we don’t want to talk about a relationship with Jesus because we know our weakness, and we don’t want to be called hypocrites.

But I think we misunderstand discipleship.

Being a disciple does not mean we’re mistake free, we don’t need confession, or we never get angry or overwhelmed.

It does not mean we are a saint – it means we choose to follow Jesus again and again.

But the choice has consequences.

St. Paul says to strive to “live in a manner worthy of the calling we have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love.”

Disciples choose to pray, study our faith, serve others, give of themselves and their resources, discern God’s will for their lives, and seek community with other disciples.

And they do this as nurses, business owners, engineers, caregivers, teachers, attorneys, laborers, and financial consultants.

And in the choice to follow Jesus, our trust in Him deepens, we want to know Him better, and we are open to ongoing conversion.


Becoming a disciple of Jesus is a work of grace and it’s the beginning of a great adventure.

And the relationship, just like a marriage or dear friendship, deepens over time ifwe make it a priority.

When we are disciples, the grace given to us in baptism according to the measure of Christ’s gift, the Holy Spirit, begins to be unleashed.

When the disciples preached about Jesus, the Holy Spirit gave their words effectiveness through the signs that accompanied their preaching – signs that elicited trust, curiosity and openness in others.

I will talk about those signs next week, as we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the earth at Pentecost.


Last week my question to you was, “Do I have faith?”

This week, I invite you to consider at what spiritual threshold you are – trust, curiosity, openness, seeking?  Are you a disciple of Jesus?

Homilies Archives

Sanadores Heridos 2022-9-4 P. Roberto
Wounded Healers 2022-9-4 Fr. Roberto
Lo Principal 2022-8-28 P. Roberto
The Main Thing 2022-8-28 Fr. Roberto
Ardiendo por El Señor 2022-8-14 P. Roberto
On Fire for the Lord 2022-8-14 Fr. Roberto
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Dos Amores, No Uno Solo 2022-7-10 P. Roberto
Dios y Nosotros en Vez de Dios y Yo 2022-7-3 P. Roberto
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¿Solo Contenedor o Instrumento? Pentecostés P. Roberto
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The Voice of the Good Shepherd 2022-5-8 Fr. Roberto
¿Me Amas? 2022-5-1 P. Roberto
Bautizados en el Eterno Dios-Pascua 2022 P. Roberto
Baptized Into the Eternal God-Easter 2022 Fr. Roberto
Desgarrado para Poder Ver 2022-3-27 P. Roberto
Rasga Nuestros Corazones...Sana Nuestros Corazones Cuaresma1 P. Roberto
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Ganar por Perder 2022-2-13 P. Roberto
Amor Imparable 2022-1-30 P. Roberto
Unstoppable Love 2022-1-30 Fr. Roberto
¿Quién Soy Yo? 2022-1-9 Bautismo del Señor, P. Roberto
Santo pero No Perfecto 2021-12-26 P. Roberto
Un Dios Quebradizo 2021-12-25 P. Roberto
A Breakable God 2021-12-25 Fr. Roberto
Alegría Profunda y Duradera 2021-12-12 P. Roberto
Llevar la Esperanza de Jesús a los Demás 2021-11-28 P. Roberto
Bringing Jesus’ Hope to Others 2021-11-28 Fr. Roberto
Amor No Miedo 2021-11-14 P. Roberto
¿Tú Me Amas? 2021-10-31 P. Roberto
Do you love me? 2021-10-31 Fr. Roberto
El Camino de Jesús Es También Nuestro Camino 2021-10-17 P. Roberto
You Are Mine and I Am Yours 2021-10-3 Fr. Roberto
Tú Eres Mío y Yo Soy Tuyo 2021-10-3 P. Roberto
Suéltate y Pon Todo en Manos de Dios 2021-9-26 P. Roberto
Let Go and Let God 2021-9-26 Fr. Roberto
La Verdadera Grandeza 2021-9-19 P. Roberto
True Greatness 2021-9-19 Fr. Roberto
Todo Pertenece - Lo Bueno y lo Malo 2021-9-12 P. Roberto
Everything Belongs - the Good and the Bad, 2021-9-12, Fr. Roberto
Choosing to Believe 2021-8-22 Fr. Roberto
Elegir Creer 2021-8-22 P. Roberto
Alimentados para Alimentar 2021-8-8 P. Roberto
Creer Es Ver 2021-8-1 P. Roberto
A Shepherd Who Will Never Leave Us 2021-7-18 Fr. Roberto
Un Pastor que Nunca Nos Fallará 2021-7-18 P. Roberto
Order-Disorder-Reorder 2021-6-20 Fr. Roberto
Orden-Desorden-Reordenar 2021-6-20 P. Roberto
Big God and Small God 2021-6-6 Fr. Roberto
Dios Grande y Dios Pequeño 2021-6-6 P. Roberto Corral, OP
Ven a Buscarme, Espíritu Santo 2021-5-23 P. Roberto
Come Get Me, Holy Spirit 2021-5-23 Fr. Roberto
Amor Eterno 2021-5-9 P. Roberto
Ven a Buscarme, Jesús. 4° Domingo de Pascua, P. Roberto
Come and Get Me, Jesus. 4th Sunday Easter Fr. Roberto
Unlock the Doors 3rd Sunday Easter Fr. Roberto
Abre las Puertas Domingo 3 de Pascua 2021-4-18 P. Roberto
God with Us and God for Us Easter1 Fr. Roberto
Tienes que Morir para Poder Vivir 2021-3-21 P. Roberto
You Have to Die so that You Can Live 2021-3-21 Fr. Roberto
Choosing to See, to Forgive, and to Be Free 2021-3-14 Fr. Roberto
Elegir Ver, Perdonar y Ser Libre 2021-3-14 P. Roberto
How to Find Happiness 2021-3-7 Fr. Roberto
Cómo Encontrar la Felicidad 2021-3-7 P. Roberto
El Sueño de Dios para Ti 2021-2-28 P. Roberto Lent2
God's Dream for You 2021-2-28 Fr. Roberto Lent2
The Devil’s Lies and God’s Truth Lent 1 Fr. Roberto
Las Mentiras del Diablo y la Verdad de Dios Cuaresma1 P. Roberto
What Ash Wednesday and Lent Are About; Fr. Roberto
The Power of Our Words 2021-1-31 Fr. Roberto
El Poder de Nuestras Palabras 2021-1-31 P. Roberto
¿Quién Soy Yo? 2021-1-10 Bautismo del Señor, P. Roberto
The Things We Carry 2021-1-1 Mary Mother of God, Fr. Roberto
Las Cosas que Cargamos 2021-1-1 María Madre de Dios, P. Roberto
La Santidad Es para Todas las Familias 2020-12-27 P. Roberto
Holiness Is for Every Family 2020-12-27 Fr. Roberto
¿En Qué Tipo de Dios Crees? Navidad 2020 P. Roberto
What Kind of God Do You Believe In? Christmas 2020 Fr. Roberto
Wake Up and Light a Candle! 2020-11-29 Fr. Roberto
¡Despiérta y Enciende una Vela! 2020-11-29 P. Roberto
El Rey de Amor 2020-11-22 P. Roberto
No Te Quedes Sin Gasolina, Aceite O Jesús 2020-11-8 P. Roberto
Don’t Run Out of Gas or Oil or Jesus 2020-11-8 Fr. Roberto
Deja que Gane el Amor 2020-10-25 P. Roberto
Let Love Win 2020-10-25 Fr. Roberto
Let Love Win 2020-10-25 Fr. Roberto
Somos Inquilinos No Dueños 2020-10-18 P. Roberto
¿Tienes Hambre O Estás Lleno? 2020-10-11 P. Roberto
¿Eres Un Católico Verdadero?
Are You a Real Catholic? 2020-9-27 Fr. Roberto
La Libertad del Perdón
Ríndete para Ganar 2020-8-30 22° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
Surrender to Win 2020-8-30 22nd Sunday Yr. A Fr. Roberto
¡Cruzar la Frontera! 2020-8-16 20° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
Our Deepest Hunger 2020-8-2 18th Sun. Yr. A Fr. Roberto
Nuestra Hambre Más Profunda 2020-8-2 18° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
The Potter and the Clay 2020-7-30 Confirmation Mass Fr. Roberto
Our Deepest Hunger 2020-8-2 18th Sun. Yr. A Fr. Roberto
Our Deepest Hunger 2020-8-2 18th Sun. Yr. A Fr. Roberto
What Is Your Treasure 2020-7-26 Fr. Roberto
No Hay Santo Sin Pasado, Ni Pecador Sin Futuro 16° Domingo Año A 2020-7-19 P. Roberto
Hay Un Dios Y Tú No Lo Eres 2020-7-5 14° domingo Año A P. Roberto
2020-7-5 There Is a God and It's Not You 14th Sun Yr. A Fr. Roberto
El Único Cimiento 2020-6-28 13° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
Pero El Señor Está a Mi Lado 2020-6-21 12° Domingo P. Roberto
Dios Es Amor 2020-6-19 Sagrado Corazón de Jesús P. Roberto
La Oración Es Una Relación 2020-6-18 Jueves 11a Semana P. Roberto
Recibir a Jesús y Ser Jesús 2020-6-14 Corpus Christi P. Roberto
Receive Jesus and Be Jesus 2020-6-14 Corpus Christi Fr. Roberto
The Importance of Integrity 2020-6-13 Fr. Roberto
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Container vs. Content 2020-6-10 Wed. 10th Wk. Fr. Roberto
Luz en las Tinieblas 2020-6-9 Semana 10 Martes P. Roberto
The One You Feed Wins 2020-6-5 Fr. Roberto
Amar a Dios y al Prójimo 2020-6-4 Jueves 9a Semana P. Roberto
El Burro de Mi Papá 2020-5-31 Pentecostés P. Roberto
My Father's Burro 2020-5-31 Pentecost Fr. Roberto
The Grace To Let Go 2020-5-27 Easter Wk.7 Wed. Fr. Roberto
Tener la Gracia de Soltar las Riendas 2020-5-27 Easter Wk.7 Wed. Fr. Roberto
What Drives Your Life? 2020-5-23 Easter Wk 6 Sat. Fr. Roberto
Jesús Está Presente 2020-5-21 Pascua VI Jueves P. Roberto
Life's Purpose 2020-5-20 Easter Wk.6 Wed. Fr. Roberto
Madurar en la Fe 2020-5-19 Pascua Martes VI, P. Roberto
¿Me Amas? 2020-5-17 6° Domingo Pascua P. Roberto
El Amor Más Sublime 2020-5-15 Pascua V Viernes P. Roberto
Todos Tenemos Una Misión 2020-5-14 S. Matías Apóstol P. Roberto
Una Paz Verdadera 2020-5-12 Pascua 5 Martes P. Roberto
Siempre Bajo la Construcción 2020-5-7 Pascua 4a Semana Jueves P. Roberto
No Hay Mal Que Por Bien No Venga 2020-5-5 P. Roberto
El Buen Pastor Todo el Tiempo 2020-5-3 Pascua 4° Domingo P. Roberto
The Good Shepherd All the Time 2020-5-3 Easter 4th Sun Fr. Roberto
Creating Something Beautiful for God's Glory 2020-5-1 Fri. Easter 3 Fr. Roberto
No Obstacle Is Too Great 2020-4-29 St. Catherine of Siena Fr. Roberto
Destapa los Oídos 2020-4-28 Pascua 3 Martes P. Roberto
When Your Loved Ones Get On Your Nerves 4-25-20 Fr. Roberto
Opening Our Hearts to Hear God 2020-4-23 Easter Wk 2 Thurs. Fr. Roberto
¿Luz O Tinieblas? 2020-4-22 Pascua 2 Miércoles P. Roberto
Renacer por el Espíritu 2020-4-21 Pascua 2 Martes P. Roberto
Toca Las Llagas de Jesús 2020-4-19 Domingo 2 de Pascua P. Roberto
Cómo Encontrar a Jesús 2020-4-14 Easter Wk 1 Tues. Fr. Roberto
Expecting More from God 2020-4-15 Wed. of Easter Wk 1 Fr. Roberto
Jump! Easter Sunday 2020-4-12 Fr. Roberto
Con Dios Siempre Hay Más 2020-4-9 Jueves Santo P. Roberto Bilingüe
With God There Is Always More 2020-4-9 Holy Thursday Fr. Roberto Bilingual
Jesus Loves Even His Betrayers 2020-4-8 Wed. Holy Week Fr. Roberto
No Cerrar el Corazón 2020-4-7 Martes Semana Santa P. Roberto
Aprender a Morir para Aprender a Vivir 2020-3-29 Cuaresma 5 P. Roberto
Learning How to Die to Learn How to Live 2020-3-29 Lent 5 Yr. A Fr. Roberto
Breathing In and Breathing Out 2020-3-1 Lent1 Year A Fr. Roberto
Inhalar y Exhalar Cuaresma1 2020-3-1 P. Roberto
¡Seamos Libres! 2020-2-16 6° Domingo Año A P. Roberto
¿Una Fe de "Comida Rápida" o de Transformación? P. Roberto 2020-1-26 3er Domingo
Fast Food Faith or Transformative Faith? Fr. Roberto 2020-1-26 3rd Sunday
¡Agarra la Onda! 2020-1-5 La Epifanía del Señor-P. Roberto
Where Do You Choose to Live? 2020-1-1 New Years Fr. Roberto
¿Dónde Eliges Vivir? 2020-1-1 Año Nuevo P. Roberto Corral, OP
Do You Have Room? 2019-12-24 Christmas Fr. Roberto
El Espejo 2019-12-1 Adviento 1 P. Roberto
The Mirror 2019-12-1 Advent 1 Fr. Roberto
The Grand Finale 2019-11-24 Christ the King Fr. Roberto
El Gran Final 2019-11-24 Cristo Rey P. Roberto
Hold On to Jesus No Matter What 2019-11-17 Fr. Roberto
Aférrate a Jesús Pase lo que Pase 2019-11-17 P. Roberto
Don't Settle for Less 2019-11-10 Fr. Roberto
¡No Te Conformes con Menos! 2019-11-10 P. Roberto
Successful Prayer 2019-10-20 Fr. Roberto
Amor Verdadero 2019-9-29 Padre Roberto
True Love Fr. Roberto 2019-9-29
Your Best or Your Leftovers? 2019-9-22 Fr. Roberto
¿Tu Mejor O Tus Sobras? 2019-9-22 Padre Roberto
Los Altibajos de Nuestro Camino a Jesús 2019-9-15 Fr. Roberto Spanish
The Ups and Downs of Our Journey to Jesus 2019-9-15 Fr. Roberto English
2019-9-8-Fr. Roberto-23rd Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-9-8-23rd Sunday-Yr C-Fr. Roberto English
2019-8-25-Fr. Roberto-21st Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-8-11-Fr. Roberto-19th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-8-4 Fr. Roberto-Feast of St. Dominic-English
2019-7-28-Fr. Roberto-17th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-6-30-13th Sunday-Yr C-Spanish
2019-6-30-13th Sunday-Yr C-English
2019-5-12 Easter 4 Yr. C Fr. Roberto "Whose Voice Will You Listen to and Follow?"
February 3, 2019 - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)
3 Febrero 2019 - Cuarto Domingo Año C
December 30, 2018 - Holy Family
30 de diciembre 2018 - Sagrada Familia
December 25, 2018 Mass During the Day
3rd Sunday of Advent December 16, 2018
Tercero Domingo de Adviento, 16 de deciembre 2018
33rd Sunday Ordinary Time B
XXXIII Domingo, November 18, 2018
14 de octubre - Domingo XXVIII - B
October 14, 2018
September 23, 2018 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
23 de septiembre - Domingo XXV de Tiempo Ordinario
September 9, 2018 - 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time
9 de septiembre - XXIII Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
September 2 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 19, 2018 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2018 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 26, 2018 - XXI Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
Feast of St. Dominic
Fiesta de Sto. Domingo
July 29, 2018 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
29 de julio - XVII Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
July 15, 2018
15 de julio 2018 - XV Domingo Tiempo Ordinario
July 15, 2018 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
8 de Julio - XIV Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
July 8, 2018
10 de Junio, 2018 - el Décimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
June 10, 2018 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27 de maio - La Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
May 27, 2018 Trinity Sunday
20 de maio, 2018 - Pentecostés
May 20, 2018 - Pentecost
May 13, 2018 - Ascension
